The Simugenics

Experimental Series Introduces


HUMAN is a unique series of perspective activities that allow us to create a new species of virtual human being, which is meant to radically alter humanity in positive and profound ways.

The Three Agencies of HUMAN

The Three Important Variables of the HUMAN Project

Agency One

Understanding the false self in order to remove the suffering of personal narrative.

Agency Two

The ability to define the truth behind emotions and their impact on personal and societal well-being.

Agency Three

The ability to examine future actions within the present moment.

Scroll down to learn more

The Agencies Defined


The First Agency


Understanding the false self in order to remove the suffering of personal narrative.


The unobservable perspective is the key to witnessing without a witness. It is the melding of object, to all. This is how we release the bonds of the narrative mind as it forces our experiences to be compartmentalized and structured through its filters. Once this perspective is obtained, ego/self/narrative may separate from the unobservable, then be given the opportunity to witness the personal story at play within waking life, dreams, and the imagination. 


We are given the task to create a new human that can drastically alter humanity. Once created (through a model) our new Human will be shown our current understandings of the ego/self/narrative and how it produces suffering and resistance.

The Second Agency


The ability to define the truth behind emotions and their impact on personal and societal well-being.


There is no arguing our lives are driven mostly by our emotions. But to realize the truth of how we incorporate their experiences into a system in which can better our lives, is the true gift of this agency. By looking at how we act, react, give in, bend without a fight, or find euphoria in the simplest of experiences, is where we can gain new skills to help develop our physical and etheric offerings.


Once our Human understand the importance of their ego/self/narrative, they will be shown how to identify the truth behind emotions and their impact on both their personal and societal well-being.

The Third Agency


The ability to examine future actions within the present moment.


It is the past that gives us clarity behind the potential experiences of the future, so that our actions can be examined and guided within the present. By engaging with this type of experience, we are actually playing with the narrative/ego/self, instead of bashing on it. This is why it’s advantages to enjoy duality and not fully negate it. To be enlightened is to be aware, not ignorant. Just because we come to learn that our ego/narrative/self isn’t real, doesn’t mean our physical lives must suffer the consequences as if it were somehow taking a moral stand against humanity. We weren’t given a body to suffer, we were given a body to experience. And, we can heighten that experience by understanding the ego/narrative/self is like a play-pal willing to lose itself in a sea of opportunities and adventures.


This is one of the most powerful agencies towards self-actualization. Not only will we realize the true power of the ego/narrative/self/, but we will also learn how to leverage it towards magnifying experience, reaching our potentials, and transcending beyond the bonds of what the self perceives as time.




HUMAN introduces three activities during the week-long experience. The activities are as follows.


All three agencies will include a webinar and/or presentation both live and recorded for replay purposes.


To be announced by Saturday April 25th


Models will be provided for both webinar review and in PDF downloadable format.


The below slides are just two of the first lesson of Human. They are here as an example of what's to come.

Click on the images to enlarge.



HUMAN will go for one week with a new activity available every two days starting April 26th at 7PM EST.

All three Agencies
Webinars and Models
PDF Downloads (and most likely Simulation work)


$ 39.99


14 day money back guarantee.

No live participation required. All content will be available for download.